From Our Blog

The Perfect Pi Day Party Pie!

I come from a long line of mathematicians  Ok, so my grandpa was a mathematician and a couple of my cousins followed in his footsteps. Either way, for some reason Pi Day (celebrated on 3/14 every year) is kind of a big deal in my family. If I have to be totally honest, it probably has more to do with our immense sweet tooth and appreciation for any reason to celebrate than it does with our love of math. That’s why, when I saw this picture pop up on my facebook feed last night, I just about died. How had I not thought of this already? It’s PI on PIE! Holy delicious math, batman! I have at least one friend throwing a pi party today and man does it look delicious. As if we need another excuse to eat pie. The patience required to cut out all of these numbers truly deserves to be savored. What are you doing to celebrate today?

More than a Ball: Mystery Drop NYE Party

I know, I know. New Year’s Eve was TWO WHOLE DAYS AGO. My resolution for 2013? STOP SLACKING/PROCRASTINATING/CHOOSING DRINKS WITH FRIENDS OVER GOOD OLD FASHIONED WORK. And so it begins… While “avoiding procrastination”, I ran across this slideshow highlighting random, un-ball like items dropped to ring in the new year. As it turns out, having a NYE ball drop is soooo 1907. Note: per America’s food obsession, every item on the list is edible. (Way to get creative, folks.) Seriously though, if Lebanon, PA can drop a 200 lb bologna anything is possible. Then I thought to myself, what an awesome idea for an annual NYE party! Every year, select something new to drop and watch your guests squeal with delight as they realize what’s going down at midnight. Leftover Christmas turkey? Drop it. Craft project gone awry? Drop it. Positive pregnancy test?!?! Drop it. I’ve included these personally drawn drop installation instructions above just for you. If you really want to have some fun, hide your item and have a “Guess the Drop” game. When the clock strikes midnight, you have two choices: elegantly lower your ball to the ground or let ‘er rip and enjoy the destruction that follows. Can’t decide? Don’t worry, we have

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Reduce, Reuse, Remember the Gift Tags!

I adore holiday cards. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Plus, it’s nice to find something besides junk mail in the mailbox for a few weeks a year. Now a days, photo cards seem to be the standard. And as much as I love seeing pictures of your child/dog/cat/vacation, I really appreciate the simple beauty of a traditional holiday card. I find myself hoarding these tokens of Christmas past because they’re just too pretty to throw away. Last year, I thought ahead and packed them away with all the holiday wrapping stuff. When I pulled them out, I was reminded of how my mom always reused last years holiday cards as this year’s gift tags. It’s such a simple way to upcycle and adds a unique touch to your gifts. I used three methods to create these tags. The Old Fashioned Circle Punch – Otherwise known as tracing the rim of a glass over the picture and cutting it out. (Yes, by hand.)  The New Age Circle Punches – I wouldn’t go less than a 2″ diameter unless you are just trying to dress up a plain package with a fun dot pattern. (Hmmm, what a great idea…)  Fiskar’s Rotary Cutter –

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Candy Cane Centerpiece Vases

Peppermint DIY Round-Up!

It happens every year around this time. I head to the store for XYZ, and walk out with XYZ and 2-3 boxes of candy canes and a couple of bags of starlight mints. Why? Because it’s the holidays and they’re festive and they’re really, really cheap. Plus, if I fill our candy bowl with them instead of chocolate maybe we can avoid at least one of the five pounds the average american gains this time of year. Because let’s face it… “I just can’t stop eating these mints,” said no one ever. Last year, I decided to put all the mint candies to good use and make Christmas centerpieces out of them. This year, my super talented friend Jenny over at BOOK Event Design used them to make an awesome wreath. And that got me to thinking. What else can we do with these forever left behind candies? Well here it is. Your very minty DIY round-up! Candy Cane Holiday Vases from Be Rosy This was a super easy project. After unwrapping all your mints, grab your glue gun and go to town. When the vase is entirely covered, seal it with a crystal clear acrylic spray. (I learned the hard way that

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Toasty Toes Gift Set

Toasty Toes Gift Set & Homemade Sugar Scrub

Everyone needs a little TLC after the holidays. Winter leaves our skin feeling like an alligator’s without the bonus of basking in the sun for hours. My homemade Vanilla Brown Sugar Scrub (recipe below) does the trick to get me feeling like it’s all going to be ok. The sun WILL come out tomorrow in May. To spread the love, I decided to make a big batch for some of the ladies in my life. Throw in a pair of warm, cozy socks and a bottle of nail polish and you look like the smartest, most thoughtful, soft-skinned girl on the block. I was stoked to find the adorable bag tag available for download on Our Best Bites. Using the same colors, I made coordinating labels for the sugar scrub. You can download the sugar scrub labels here. Happy holidays to you! Vanilla Brown Sugar Scrub Ingredients: 1 cup granulated sugar 2 cups unpacked brown sugar 1 cup oil (Any type of oil will do. However, I recommend not using olive oil though since the scent is  little strong.) 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract Vitamin E – optional (it works well to just break into a capsule of vitamin E and dump it out)

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