Pumpkin Centerpiece

The Perfect Pumpkin Fall Centerpiece

Alright folks, it’s getting to be THAT time of year. The leaves are changing, my neck is no longer covered in a constant film of sweat, and the stores are eagerly reminding us that Christmas is literally RIGHT. AROUND. THE CORNER! (Also known as three months away.) Last October, I was notified that it is essential that we have the Hubs’ father, step-mother, grandmother, aunt #1 of 9, aunt #2 of 9, and brother over for dinner before we had our one year anniversary in November. I tried (desperately) to tell the Hubs that there was no way his Grandma would be able to get up the stairs to our apartment. No dice. This lady is seriously so cool (and determined) that she practically crawled up the two flights of stairs to our place. I aspire to be more like her. I knew I had to really take it up a notch to impress this delightful new branch of my family. They throw THE BEST parties. And, since I tend to over analyze even the simplest of shindigs I attend, that is major kudos.