More than a Ball: Mystery Drop NYE Party

I know, I know. New Year’s Eve was TWO WHOLE DAYS AGO. My resolution for 2013? STOP SLACKING/PROCRASTINATING/CHOOSING DRINKS WITH FRIENDS OVER GOOD OLD FASHIONED WORK. And so it begins… While “avoiding procrastination”, I ran across this slideshow highlighting random, un-ball like items dropped to ring in the new year. As it turns out, having a NYE ball drop is soooo 1907. Note: per America’s food obsession, every item on the list is edible. (Way to get creative, folks.) Seriously though, if Lebanon, PA can drop a 200 lb bologna anything is possible. Then I thought to myself, what an awesome idea for an annual NYE party! Every year, select something new to drop and watch your guests squeal with delight as they realize what’s going down at midnight. Leftover Christmas turkey? Drop it. Craft project gone awry? Drop it. Positive pregnancy test?!?! Drop it. I’ve included these personally drawn drop installation instructions above just for you. If you really want to have some fun, hide your item and have a “Guess the Drop” game. When the clock strikes midnight, you have two choices: elegantly lower your ball to the ground or let ‘er rip and enjoy the destruction that follows. Can’t decide? Don’t worry, we have

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